Donations and Bequests

Thank you for supporting COTA (WA) on behalf of older Western Australians. COTA (WA) is a registered charity and has Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status, so your donations are income tax deductible.
To make a donation, click on the Make a Donation button, contact us via email write to us at PO Box 923, Victoria Park, WA 6979 or ring us on 08 9472 0104.
Community minded individuals and organisations are invited to support COTA (WA) in its advocacy and support of older Western Australians.
I do hope that you will help us to make a difference to the lives of older Western Australians by making a donation to COTA (WA) demonstrating your support for positive ageing in Western Australia.
We look forward to keeping you informed about our activities in 2022.
Have you considered making a bequest to COTA WA?
Your gift bequest will make an enormous contribution to the long term planning for COTA WA. Bequests are usually directed for use at COTA WA’s discretion. Such unencumbered gifts allow COTA WA the flexibility to use your gift wisely in areas of particular need.
Alternatively, bequests can be directed to a specific area of COTA WA, such as a particular program or project (eg. active ageing services, peer educator support, publications, seniors’ services, policy or advocacy services).
By informing COTA WA about your bequest you will allow us to thank you in your lifetime, which is our wish. All bequest correspondence is confidential and can be directed to:
PO Box 923, Victoria Park, WA 6979
Phone 08 9472 0104